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pbdMPI (version 0.5-2)

SPMD Control: Default control in pbdMPI.


These variables provide default values for most functions in the package.



The environment .pbd_env contains several objects with parameters for communicators and methods.


Wei-Chen Chen wccsnow@gmail.com, George Ostrouchov, Drew Schmidt, Pragneshkumar Patel, and Hao Yu.


The elements of .pbd_env$SPMD.CT are default values for various controls

comm0Lcommunicator index
intercomm2Linter communicator index
info0Linfo index
newcomm1Lnew communicator index
op"sum"the operation
port.name"spmdport"the operation
print.all.rankFALSEwhether all ranks print message
print.quietFALSEwhether rank is added to print/cat
rank.root0Lthe rank of root
rank.source0Lthe rank of source
rank.dest1Lthe rank of destination
request0Lthe request index
serv.name"spmdserv"the service name
status0Lthe status index
tag0Lthe tag number
unlistFALSEwhether to unlist a return
divide.method"block"default method for jid
mpi.finalizeTRUEshutdown MPI on finalize()
quitTRUEquit when errors occur
msg.flushTRUEflush each comm.cat/comm.print
msg.barrierTRUEinclude barrier in comm.cat/comm.print
Rprof.all.rankFALSEcall Rprof on all ranks
lazy.checkTRUEuse lazy check on all ranks

The elements of .pbd_env$SPMD.OP list the implemented operations for reduce() and allreduce(). Currently, implemented operations are "sum", "prod", "max", "min", "land", "band", "lor", "bor", "lxor", "bxor".

The elements of .SPMD.IO are default values for functions in comm_read.r and comm_balance.r.

max.read.size5.2e6max of reading size (5 MB)
max.test.lines500max of testing lines
read.method"gbd"default reading method
balance.method"block"default load balance method

where balance.method is only used for "gbd" reading method when nrows = -1 and skip = 0 are set.

The elements of .pbd_env$SPMD.TP are default values for task pull settings

bcastFALSEwhether to bcast() objects to all ranks
barrierTRUEif call barrier() for all ranks
tryTRUEif use try() in works
try.silentFALSEif silent the try() message


Programming with Big Data in R Website: https://pbdr.org/